We will make the best deal of your life!


Over 30 years
of experience

Selling a business is not easy. As entrepreneurs, we have years of experience to help you sell your business.



No cure, 
no pay!

We always work no cure, no pay. No high fees, we want you to be completely satisfied and the deal doesn't go through? We charge nothing.







We make a quick analysis.
Instant clarity in a personal conversation based on feasibility.




About us
We are Nieuwdeal, experienced entrepreneurs and we can help you sell your business in a smart way. Our main expertise and focus is the industrial and maritime sector but we do not limit ourselves to other industries.

Why Nieuwdeal?
Through our years of experience as entrepreneurs (both nationally and internationally) we know the aspects and issues involved in buying and selling a business. At Nieuwdeal we like direct communication with our clients, no complicated procedures and we will give you immediate clarity.

We are happy to invite you for a cup of coffee to discuss your options and perspectives!

No cure, no pay!




Curious about your options? Fill out the form below or contact us directly at: